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#3 Positive Practices to Love Being You

Determine what you REALLY want for yourself and your life this year.

“What will have you love being you and how you’re living your life?”

It is important to identify which area or areas of your life need your attention. For example, nobody needs to tell me to get to work. What stresses me out is not spending enough time having fun with my kids and with my significant other. I know this about myself and MUST schedule time in my week for fun and romance…they can be combined or not have anything to do with the other. For instance, for fun I might go to or sponsor a BUNKO night…my husband doesn't come with me :)

Right now I am scheduling in 15 minutes of family fun...lately it's been a game of charades! Yes, one of the kids sets a timer for 15 minutes. I think every time we have gone over :)

So which area of life do you need to FOCUS on?

The 8 Key Areas of Life

1. Health/Fitness/Body

2. Profession/Career/Business

3. Money

4. Friends/Family


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