I help professionals create better work-life balance so that they can enjoy their success.
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You are in the right place if want to feel better, sleep better and have better work life balance because you know to handle stress.

After being diagnosed with a devastating auto-immune disorder I learned how to control stress without feeling guilty. I am proud to have created a proven stress management system that now helps millions.


Through my world class online training programs, #1 best selling book, and public appearances, I help people just like you redefine your relationship with stress, improving your health, productivity and satisfaction in life.


In fact, here a few ways I might be able to help:

1. Overcome your biological reaction to stress that works with you no against you.

2. Discover what you have been doing wrong and what it is costing your health, happiness and humanity.

3. Understand your unique needs and values and communicate them effectively so you can have what you want without feeling guilty.


I have personally and professionally overcome the mental, emotional and health struggles of undiagnosed chronic stress that led to a devastating autoimmune disorder AND almost cost me my life and family.

Not understanding stress or how to keep some control over my health and life was scary.

After being diagnosed I became pregnant with my third child and had to figure out how to ease my body back into health without losing my daughter.


I was shocked. I was the healthiest person I knew. On the outside I looked healthy.


I ate well, exercise daily and kept up with my two young toddlers, running a business, and moving every 2 years married to a military physician.


However, one of the most powerful lessons I learned was, "It's not what you are eating, it's what is eating you"!


I had a very difficult time relaxing and letting go of the demands of running a company, being a mother, wife, daughter and friend.


I was carrying a very heavy load of emotional baggage.




I was over exercising as my form of “relaxation”, further pushing my neurological system into overdrive, which equated to dangerous levels of cortisol.


I had to learn how to create peace and calm that worked for me not against me.


I rolled up my sleeves and started digging for answers to my ill health and overall dissatisfaction with life.


I came across Hans Selye and dove into research on stress, this one statement opened my eyes for good:

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Instead of an early grave the doctors were predicting, I found a fountain of freedom through a simple 4 step process I developed and now share with those that can't seem to jump off the hamster wheel long enough to catch their breath and calm their body.


I made it my purpose to be a happy, healthy human, the subtitle of my #1 book, "Bolster Up!" and what I constantly live by and teach, with my 4 pillars of wellbeing. 


I realized that life is about feeling good and how incredibly important and vital having fun is.


I started BolsterUp to share the truths I uncovered that you can use too.


It's my mission and commitment to optimize your thinking, health and help you to truly know yourself so you can enjoy a meaningful, fun life you love living. 


Now I travel around the world, helping others create a life they love with more work life balance. 


People often ask, "How on earth did you get started in all this?"


For as long as I can remember I have been interested in health and fitness and pushing myself beyond my current circumstances. 


Early in high school I excelled in multiple opportunities of mental and physical toughness, being crowned not once, but twice "best in the nation". 


I started my health career as a corpsman in the Navy. Continued to learn more about the human body and start my formal education ending with a Master's Degree in Psychology and certification in health and wellness. 


What was missing in my life upto the point of being diagnosed wasn't healthy eating habits, or lack of exercise. It was not knowing myself, truly knowing what I value most and how to get my needs met. 


Oh, I knew how to get things done. I knew how to work hard. How to keep my mouth shut and "go along to get along".


I knew how to struggle, and push hard, and take the hits.

I had to learn how to think, breath, nourish myself and rest.

 I learned how to create my more peace in my mind and body. How to relax at any given moment In the day.

I redefine my relationship with stress with quality recovery throughout the day.

I look forward to helping you do the same. 

I have taken my 20 years of experience working with amazing people in organizations from international law firms, educational institutions to hospitals, airplane manufacturers and yogurt makers as well as private clients to develop programs that support you right now right where you are.

Stress management is an easy choice with the right tools, understanding, guidance and leadership.

Find Peace Now

"My life will never be the same and it’s all thanks to Stephanie!"

Marriage Counselor

"I’ve seen a transformation in every aspect of my life. Thank you, Stephanie!"

Dr. Ron H.

"Stephanie showed me it was OK to be me and taught me how to love life again."


But what lights me up the most, is helping you  step into a life you love.


I was not willing to accept a stress filled life, full of activity but lacking in satisfaction. 


I want a thriving career, beautiful home, travel, dancing and loving happy relationship.


I want my health and plenty of energy to do things that are fun, not just required to get through the day. I want a happy and satisfying life that I love living.

I suspect you feel you the same way. 

Let Me Help You

I continue to learn about creating sustainable health and happiness and pass that information along to you. A few of my favorite teachers are Dr. Andrew Weil, father of integrative medicine and continue to use his 4-7-8 breathing technique. Here is a beloved picture of me with Dr. Andrew Weil.


Other mentors of mine include Dr. Carol Dweck, for her growth mindset approach and Dr. Ellen Langer, the Mother of Mindfulness. Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Suzan Lazar has influenced and reinforced the benefits of my learning from many teachers over the years. 

Here is Where You Come In

I am here to serve you. To support your new way of being and enjoying more of the good stuff in life. You will be able to let loose and laugh more, love more and feel better overall.


I built my business out of love and a passion to being happy, healthy and human. I know when you feel good everyone benefits.


You have access to multiple tools to support your wellbeing including professional free content, video trainings programs and other products and services that make a true difference immediately.


Although the focus for me has been on stress management, many use it as their foundation to learn more about themselves and what they value most and need completely transforming themselves and life.


Many of my clients finally take that vacation, change jobs, regulate their weight, improve their health and become the best version of themselves.


I love my business I have created for your benefit. I love showing others that, yes, they can do something they value, that feels incredible and maintain a healthy balance of work and recovery.


I'm not perfect. And when I get fired up and excited about providing a new service or product that I think you will benefit from I go all in.


I do not know it all, or how to do everything and in my quest to bring the best to you, I can get frustrated (mostly at technology) and every now and then question myself like any other human.


I do my best with my company to keep issues and mistakes to a minimum and always welcome opportunities for improvement...NOT PERFECTION.


I keep my hair way to loose for "perfect". And try to remember why I do this...for you...to feel better.


I invite on in the inside and start gaining control of your stress and live more peacefully with yourself and others.


Ready for the welcome sigh of relief? Sign up today and I'll see you on the inside.




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