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3 Secrets to Happiness: Secret #3 Focusing on Positivity

The third secret that I wanna share with you may be the hardest. It may be the most difficult. However, if you’re doing number 1 smiling and if you start to focus more on complementing and contributing and condoning, this 3rd secret is not gonna be so daunting. What is the 3rd secret? It is actually focusing on the good aspects of every situation regardless of what you’re doing or what somebody else’s doing or what the circumstances are, it is focusing on the positive.

I’ll give you a little example. I was having a business meeting, one of my first businesses, and my son was about 1 year old. It was at this woman’s house, we were both young entrepreneurial moms and we were going over quite a bit of business. My son who was just a couple of feet away from both of us, we were at the kitchen table, went over to one of those huge drinking water jugs and started playing with the knob. Before we knew it, the floor was flooded, absolutely flooded. I remember...

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3 Secrets to Happiness: Secret #2 Compliment, Contribute, Condone

#secretstohappiness Sep 01, 2016

The second tool that we’re gonna used that’s used by happy people, successful people, is they complement, they contribute and they condone. The opposite of that is most of us are walking around and aren’t necessarily as successful and happy as we’d like to be. Well most of us are criticizing, complaining and condemning. We’ve got to get those three things out of our life. That’s not going to help you achieve anything. It’s going to hurt you and it’s going to hurt the person that’s receiving it.

If we’re not criticizing, we’re complementing. We all can find something that we like about another person. My daughter was in elementary school and she came home crying, she didn’t want to go to school the next day and she loved going to school. She was sharing with me that she had a substitute teacher that was not the nicest substitute teacher and people had nicknames for her... that wasn’t nice either. So, I...

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3 Secrets to Happiness: Taking the Smile to Another Person

#secretstohappiness Aug 31, 2016

The next thing that I want you to do after you’ve gotten your smile on your face for the good part of the day is I want you to take your smile to somebody else. I encourage you to smile at a stranger and I say stranger because when you start flashing that gorgeous, attractive smile to your co-workers or neighbor they might get the wrong idea. So I suggest that you flash your beautiful smile that's on your face at a stranger. Don’t say anything. Just the next time you’re checking out at the grocery store just smile a beautiful smile. After you’ve bought your newspaper or bought your cup of coffee, just give them a beautiful smile. That’s it! Walk away you don’t have to say anything. But I say when you start smiling in the workplace or at home or any area of your life number 1 your mood’s going to improve so that’s beneficial. But the people around you, associating with you might think you’re up to something at first but they will...

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3 Secrets to Happiness: Secret #1 Smiling Part 1

#secretstohappiness Aug 30, 2016

Hi! I’m Stephanie McCannon. I help people all over the world to live happier, healthier and more meaningful lives. I’m going to share with you today in this little free video series the three most powerful tools used by the happiest, healthiest and most successful people on our planet. Talking about happiness, that’s what my client say they want more of. I’m a home and hospital teacher, my students say they want more happiness. I ask my parents what they want for their children and they want them to be happy, grow up to be happy.
Children say the same thing about parents; they just want their parents to be happy. So we all want to be happy. So how do we get happy? How does that happen? That’s what I want to talk to you today about and there are some very powerful tools that we can start using to increase our happiness, our joy, our satisfaction in life. So let’s start first with our little definition about happiness. What does happiness mean...

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