I help professionals create better work-life balance so that they can enjoy their success.
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Tip #5: Control versus No Control (Stress Management Series)

Hi! Welcome back to this free series of stress management. I’m Stephanie McCannon, I have for you today tip number 5 in this video series, it’s the final tip but it’s not my final word on stress management. There is so much we can do to decrease our anxiety and stress in our life so we can live a fulfilled, happy, healthy existence while we’re on this playground we call life.

I’m glad to help you navigate through health and wellness and there’s a couple of different ways that I can do that. I have written an e-book about more positive practices and healthy habits that you can start to implement to ensure that your body is capable of handling the stress that you give in to day to day living. You can also join my webinar of the month club; it’s a great way to get helpful tips and tricks and to interact with me every month on a different health and wellness topic. For example, this month it was stress. Next month is communication and the...

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